Opens at 4:00pm on Friday, May 20
Registration will be on-site at the Queen’s University campus in the BioSciences Building Atrium (116 Barrie St., Kingston, ON K7L 3N6). You will see purple balloons at the entrance of the building to guide you and there will be purple balloons throughout the areas Catalyst will be using, including the following:
Grant Hall
Biosciences Building (Atrium, BioSci 1101 and 1102)
Ban Right Hall – Dining Room on campus for breakfasts and lunches on Saturday and Sunday (for pre-purchased meal ticket holders only)
Brant House and David C. Smith House – on campus accommodations
We will be happy to help you get settled when you come to the registration table in the BioSciences Building Atrium: your pass for the weekend and your meal tickets for breakfasts and lunches on Saturday and Sunday if you have pre-purchased those.
NOTE: We have a few meal tickets still available for first come/first serve purchase at the registration table. These are no longer available online and are not available at the Ban Righ dining hall at the door at each of those meals.
Paper maps of the campus as well as the Kingston downtown area. If you have a booth booked for your company, it will be in the BioSci Atrium as well and you can set up anytime on Friday. The PAC/Filament Reception will be in this space at 9 pm on Friday following the opening session featuring Paul Stamets at Grant Hall.